Monday, December 9, 2013

Going Green with VoIP

In our environmentally conscious age it`s quite impossible to partake in any task without taking into consideration the environmental retributions of your steps. Becoming aware and eliminating not-so-eco-friendly habits are key elements of creating eco-friendly society.

Green Telecom
With the rise of global environment-friendly practices many enterprises and individuals are strongly motivated to «go green». Hand in hand with this popular tendency many businesses are aimed at securing conditions favorable for employees and consumers by making a positive shift towards healthier and cleaner environment. Switching to VoIP system is not only a good solution for making internal and external cheap calls, but also a contribution to better and greener environment.

Here are the main benefits enterprises can reap from moving to VoIP for eco-friendly business:
  • Cutting Down on Hardware and Landfills

With the advent of unified communications such functions as emailing, faxing, instant messaging and the like can be integrated into one system. Virtual communications, including videoconferencing and data sharing, cuts down IT hardware, as well as use of paper and ink, which contributes to saving on energy and other material-related expenditures, as well as reducing quantity of environmentally-unfriendly substances introduced into the environment.
  • Less Energy Consumption

Switching to VoIP for making cheap calls and getting more advanced features for effective business communication implies less energy consumption as there is no need to use a large number of additional equipment or lines. VoIP technology consumes less power in the long run, making a smaller environmental footprint.
Green VoIP
  • Reducing Travel Expenses

Virtual mobility is one of the greatest benefits VoIP may boast. Mobility had a greater impact on the infrastructure of business telephone systems enabling communication available everywhere. With such advanced VoIP features as video conferencing enabling holding productive virtual meetings frequent business trips are no longer need. This entails cutting down costs for travelling as well as reducing number of people travelling by plane, by train or by car which in its turn significantly cuts the amount of toxins released to the environment.

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